Status update, September 2022 September 15, 2022 on Drew DeVault's blog

I have COVID-19 and I am halfway through my stockpile of tissues, so I’m gonna keep this status update brief.

In Hare news, I finally put the last pieces into place to make cross compiling as easy as possible. Nothing else particularly world-shattering going on here. I have a bunch of new stuff in my patch queue to review once I’m feeling better, however, including bigint stuff — a big step towards TLS support. Unrelatedly, TLS support seems to be progressing upstream in qbe. (See what I did there?)

powerctl is a small new project I wrote to configure power management states on Linux. I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out. It makes for a good case study on Hare for systems programming.

In Helios, I have been refactoring the hell out of everything, rewriting or redesigning large parts of it from scratch. Presently this means that a lot of the functionality which was previously present was removed, and is being slowly re-introduced with substantial changes. The key is reworking these features to take better consideration of the full object lifecycle — creating, copying, and destroying capabilities. An improvement which ended up being useful in the course of this work is adding address space IDs (PCIDs on x86_64), which is going to offer a substantial performance boost down the line.

Alright, time for a nap. Bye!

Articles from blogs I read Generated by openring

Making a Linux-managed network switch

Network switches are simple devices, packets go in, packets go out. Luckily people have figured out how to make it complicated instead and invented managed switches. Usually this is done by adding a web-interface for configuring the settings and see things…

via BrixIT Blog July 3, 2024

Working title (insurance)

Title insurance is grossly overpriced relative to actual risks involved. Why is that?

via Bits about Money June 30, 2024

Summary of changes for June 2024

Hey everyone!This is the list of all the changes we've done to our projects during the month of June. Summary Of Changes, added Ketchikan, Snug Cove, Ratz Harbor, Frosty Bay, Berg Bay, Wrangell, Petersburg and Ruth Island Cove. Updated library…

via Hundred Rabbits June 29, 2024