Status update, February 2022 February 15, 2022 on Drew DeVault's blog

Hello once again! Another month of free software development goes by with lots of progress in all respects.

I will open with some news about version 1.0 of our fork of gddo has been released! Big thanks to Adnan Maolood for his work on this. I’m very pleased that, following our fork, we were not only able to provide continuity for, but also to simplify, refactor, and improve the underlying software considerably. Check out Adnan’s blog post for more details.

In programming language news, we have had substantial progress in many respects. One interesting project I’ve started is a Redis protocol implementation:

const conn = redis::connect()!;
defer redis::close(&conn);

fmt::println("=> SET foo bar EX 10")!;
redis::set(&conn, "foo", "bar", 10: redis::ex)!;

Another contributor has been working on expanding our graphics support, including developing a backend for glad to generate OpenGL bindings, and a linear algebra library ala glm for stuff like vector and matrix manipulation. Other new modules include a MIME database and encoding::base32. Cryptography progress continued with the introduction of XTS mode for AES, which is useful for full disk encryption implementations, but has slowed while we develop bigint support for future algorithms like RSA. I have also been rewriting the language introduction tutorial with a greater emphasis on practical usage.

Before we move on from the language project: I need your help! I am looking for someone to help develop terminal support. This is fairly straightforward, though laborsome: it involves developing libraries in our language which provide the equivalents of something like ncurses (or, better, libtickit), as well as the other end like libvterm offers. Please email me if you want to help.

In SourceHut news, we have hired our third full-time engineer: Conrad Hoffmann! Check out the blog post for details. The first major effort from Adnan’s NLnet-sponsored SourceHut work also landed yesterday, introducing GraphQL-native webhooks to alongside a slew of other improvements. also saw some improvements that allow users to configure their site’s behavior more closely. Check out the “What’s cooking” post later today for all of the SourceHut news.

That’s all for today, thanks for reading!

Articles from blogs I read Generated by openring

Status update, April 2024

Hi! The X.Org Foundation results are in, and I’m now officially part of the Board of Directors. I hope I can be of use to the community on more organizational issues! Speaking of which, I’ve spent quite a bit of time dealing with Code of Conduct matters latel…

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M2dir: treating mails as files without going crazy

Sometime recently in the past I complained about Maildir. You can go read the post, but the executive summary is that I think Maildir uses an actively user-hostile directory structure and extremely convoluted filenames that do not convey any meaning at all. …

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Go Developer Survey 2024 H1 Results

What we learned from our 2024 H1 developer survey

via The Go Blog April 9, 2024