Status update, August 2021 August 15, 2021 on Drew DeVault's blog

Greetings! It’s shaping up to be a beautiful day here in Amsterdam, and I have found the city much to my liking so far. If you’re in Amsterdam and want to grab a beer sometime, send me an email! I’ve been making a lot of new friends here. Meanwhile, I’ve also enjoyed a noticable increase in my productivity levels. Let’s go over the month’s accomplishments.

First, I have spent most of my time on the programming language project. I mentioned in the last update that we broke ground on a codegen rewrite, and yesterday all of our tests finally passed and I merged it. The new design is much better, and we should be able to simplify it even further still when we write the hosted compiler in the near future. This will also give us a better basis for a small number of experiments we’d like to do before finalizing the language design. Some other improvements include fleshing out our floating point math support library, a base64 module, a poll module, and parallel DNS resolution.

In SourceHut news, we shipped the GraphQL API. Future work will expand support for thread parsing and implement write operations. Presently, I am also working on a design for GraphQL-native webhooks, targetting for the initial release. packages for Alpine 3.14 were now made available, and planned maintenance two weeks ago was the first of two fleet-wide rollouts of the upgrades to hosted — the next is scheduled for tomorrow.

These two projects are my primary focus right now, and they’re both making good progress. In the coming month, I hope to address a few language design questions and build a more sophisticated I/O abstraction for the standard library. On, I plan on expanding the GraphQL-native webhooks prototype and hopefully shipping it to one of the GQL APIs, along with starting on another major GQL support movement — either write support for, or the initial GQL API.

That’s all I have to share today! Thanks for tuning in.

Articles from blogs I read Generated by openring

Status update, September 2024

Hi! Once again, this status update will be rather short due to limited time bandwidth. I hope to be able to allocate a bit more time slots for my open-source projects next month. We’re getting closer to a new Sway release (fingers crossed), with lots of help f…

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What's in an (Alias) Name?

A description of generic alias types, a planned feature for Go 1.24

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What's cooking on SourceHut? September 2024

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via Blogs on Sourcehut September 16, 2024