Status update, May 2021 May 16, 2021 on Drew DeVault's blog

Hello! This update is a bit late. I was travelling all day yesterday without internet, so I could not prepare these. After my sister and I got vaccinated, I took a trip to visit her at her home in beautiful Hawaii — it felt great after a year of being trapped within these same four walls. I hope you get that vaccine and things start to improve for you, too!

In SourceHut news, I’ve completed and shipped the first version of the GraphQL API. Another update, implementing the write functionality, will be shipping shortly, once the code review is complete. The next one up for a GraphQL API will probably be After that it’s just,, and — all three of which are pretty small. Then we’ll implement a few extra features like GraphQL-native webhooks and we’ll be done!

Adnan Maolood has also been hard at work improving, including the now-available gemini version. I wrote a post just about earlier this month.

Here’s some secret project code I’ve been working on recently:

use errors;
use fmt;
use linux::io_uring::{setup_flags};
use linux::io_uring;
use strings;

export fn main() void = {
        let params = io_uring::params { ... };
        let ring = match (io_uring::setup(32, &params)) {
                err: io_uring::error => fmt::fatal(io_uring::strerror(err)),
                ring: io_uring::io_uring => ring,
        defer io_uring::finish(&ring);

        let sqe = match (io_uring::get_sqe(&ring)) {
                null => abort(),
                sqe: *io_uring::sqe => sqe,
        let buf = strings::toutf8("Hello world!\n");
        io_uring::write(sqe, 1, buf: *[*]u8, len(buf));
        io_uring::submit_wait(&ring, 1)!;
        let cqe = match (io_uring::get_cqe(&ring, 0, 0)) {
                err: errors::opaque =>
                        fmt::fatal("Error: {}", errors::strerror(err)),
                cqe: nullable *io_uring::cqe => {
                        assert(cqe != null);
                        cqe: *io_uring::cqe;
        fmt::errorfln("result: {}", cqe.res)!;

The API here is a bit of a WIP, and it won’t be available to users, anyway — the low-level io_uring API will be wrapped by a portable event loop interface (tentatively named “iobus”) in the standard library. I’m planning on using this to write a finger server.

Articles from blogs I read Generated by openring

Testing concurrent code with testing/synctest

Go 1.24 contains an experimental package to aid in testing concurrent code.

via The Go Blog February 19, 2025

Status update, February 2025

Hi! This month has been pretty hectic, with FOSDEM and all. I’ve really enjoyed meeting face-to-face all of these folks I work online with the rest of the year! My talk about modern IRC has been published on the FOSDEM website (unfortunately the audio quality…

via emersion February 18, 2025

Summary of changes for January 2025

Hey everyone!This is the list of all the changes we've done to our projects during the month of January. Summary Of Changes, added a new page: tote. Added Week 8 and Week 9 of the Victoria to Sitka logbook. Tote, released the project on itch.…

via Hundred Rabbits February 1, 2025