godocs.io is now available December 18, 2020 on Drew DeVault's blog

Due to the coming sunsetting of godoc.org in favor of pkg.go.dev, I’m happy to announce that godocs.io is now available as a replacement. We have forked the codebase and cleaned things up quite a bit, removing lots of dead or obsolete features, cleaning out a bunch of Google-specific code and analytics, reducing the JavaScript requirements, and rewriting the search index for Postgres. We will commit to its maintenance going forward for anyone who prefers the original godoc.org experience over the new website.

Notice: this article was rewritten on 2021-01-19. The original article has a lot of unnecessary salt. You can read the original here.

Articles from blogs I read Generated by openring

Making a Linux-managed network switch

Network switches are simple devices, packets go in, packets go out. Luckily people have figured out how to make it complicated instead and invented managed switches. Usually this is done by adding a web-interface for configuring the settings and see things…

via BrixIT Blog July 3, 2024

Working title (insurance)

Title insurance is grossly overpriced relative to actual risks involved. Why is that?

via Bits about Money June 30, 2024

Summary of changes for June 2024

Hey everyone!This is the list of all the changes we've done to our projects during the month of June. Summary Of Changes 100r.co, added Ketchikan, Snug Cove, Ratz Harbor, Frosty Bay, Berg Bay, Wrangell, Petersburg and Ruth Island Cove. Updated library…

via Hundred Rabbits June 29, 2024