Status update, November 2020 November 15, 2020 on Drew DeVault's blog

Greetings, humanoids! Our fleshy vessels have aged by 2.678×10⁶ seconds, and you know what that means: time for another status update! Pour a cup of your favorite beverage stimulant and gather ‘round for some news.

First off, today is the second anniversary of SourceHut’s alpha being opened to the public, and as such, I’ve prepared a special blog post for you to read. I’ll leave the details out of this post and just send you off to read about it there.

What else is new? Well, a few things. For one, I’ve been working more on Gemini. I added CGI support to gmnisrv and wrote a few CGI scripts to do neato Gemini things with. I’ve also added regexp routing and URL rewriting support. We can probably ship gmnisrv 1.0 as soon as the last few bugs are flushed out, and a couple of minor features are added, and we might switch to another SSL implementation as well. Thanks to the many contributors who’ve helped out: William Casarin, Tom Lebreux, Kenny Levinsen, Eyal Sawady, René Wagner, dbandstra, and mbays.

In BARE news: Elm, Erlang, Java, and Ruby implementations have appeared, and I have submitted a draft RFC to the IETF for standardization.

Finally, I wrote a new Wayland server for you. Its only dependencies are a POSIX system and a C11 compiler — and it works with Nvidia GPUs, or even systems without OpenGL support at all. Here’s the code:

#include <poll.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>

	typedef int16_t i16; typedef int32_t i32; typedef uint16_t u16;
   typedef uint32_t u32; typedef uint8_t u8; typedef int I; typedef size_t S;
	  typedef struct{int b;u32 a,c,d;char*e;i32 x,y,w,h,s,fmt;}O;
	       typedef struct{char*a;u32 b;I(*c)(I,I,u32,u16);}G;

	  struct pollfd fds[33];char a[0xFFFF];I b=0,c=1,d=-1;u32 e=0;
			      O f[128][128];G g[];

#define AR I z,I y,u32 x,u16 c
#define SN(n) (((n)%4)==0?(n):(n)+(4-((n)%4)))

void u8w(FILE*f,u32 ch){char b[4];for (I i=2;i>0;--i){b[i]=(ch&0x3f)|0x80;ch>>=6
;}b[0]=ch|0xE0;fwrite(b,1,3,f);}void xrgb(u32*data,i32 w,i32 h,i32 s){struct
winsize sz;ioctl(0,TIOCGWINSZ,&sz);--sz.ws_row;printf("\x1b[H\x1b[2J\x1b[3J");
for(I y=0;y<sz.ws_row;++y){for(I x=0;x<sz.ws_col;++x){I i=0;u32 c = 0x2800;const
I f[]={0,3,1,4,2,5,6,7};for(I my=0;my<4;++my)for(I mx=0;mx<2;++mx){u32 p=data[((
y*4+my)*h)/(sz.ws_row*4)*(s/4)+((x*2+mx)*w)/(sz.ws_col*2)];u8 avg=((p&0xFF)+((p
'\n');}fflush(stdout);}O*ao(I z,u32 y,I x){for(S i=0;i<128;++i)if(f[z][i].a==0){
f[z][i].a=y;f[z][i].b=x;return &f[z][i];}return 0;}O*go(I z,u32 y){for(S i=0;i<
128;++i)if(f[z][i].a==y)return &f[z][i];return 0;}void wh(I z,i32 y,i16 x, i16 w
){write(z,&y,4);i32 u=((w+8)<<16)|x;write(z,&u,4);}void ws(I z,char*y){i32 l=
strlen(y)+1;write(z,&l,4);l=SN(l);write(z,y,l);}I rs(I z){u32 l;read(z,&l,4);l=
SN(l);read(z,a,l);return l+4;}I ga(I z,I y,u32 x,u16 w){u32 b,u,t,s=0;read(y,&u,
4);I sz=rs(y)+12;read(y,&b,4);read(y,&t,4);--u;ao(z,t,u);switch(u){case 1:++s;wh
(y,t,0,4);write(y,&s,4);--s;break;case 6:s=0;break;default:return sz;}wh(y,t,0,4
);write(y,&s,4);return sz;}I gb(AR){u32 w,u;read(y,&w,4);I t=d;d=-1;read(y,&u,4);
O *o=ao(z,w,15);o->e=mmap(0,u,PROT_READ,MAP_PRIVATE,t,0);return 8;}I gc(AR){u32
w;read(y,&w,4);ao(z,w,8+c);return 4;}I gd(AR){O*o,*r,*t;i32 u,w;switch(c){case 1
:read(y,&u,4);read(y,&w,4);read(y,&w,4);go(z,x)->d=u;if(!u==0){O *b=go(z,u);xrgb
((u32*)b->e,b->w,b->h,b->s);}wh(y,u,0,0);return 12;case 2:read(y,&u,4);read(y, &
u, 4);read(y, &u, 4);read(y, &u, 4);return 16;case 3:read(y,&w,4);struct timespec
4;case 6:o=go(z,x);r=go(z,o->c);if(r&&r->b==12){t=go(z,r->c);if(t->b==13){u32
s=0; wh(y,t->a,0,12);write(y,&s,4);write(y,&s,4);write(y,&s,4);}wh(y,r->a,0,4);
write(y,&e,4);++e;}break;}return 0;}I ge(AR){u32 w,u;if(c==2){read(y,&w,4);read(
y,&u,4);O*o=ao(z,w,12);o->d=u;go(z,u)->c=w;return 8;}return 0;}I gf(AR){u32 w,ae
;switch(c){case 1:read(y,&w,4);O*obj=ao(z,w,13);obj->d=x;go(z,x)->c=w;return 4;
case 4:read(y,&ae,4);return 4;}return 0;}I gg(AR){I sz;switch(c){case 2:sz=rs(y)
;return sz;}return 0;}I gh(AR){i32 w,u;switch(c){case 0:read(y,&w,4);read(y,&u,4
                  s,4);read(y,&b->fmt,4);return 24;}return 0;}

G g[]={{0,0,ga},{"wl_shm",1,gb},{"wl_compositor",1,gc},{"wl_subcompositor",1,0},

void gi(AR){u32 w;switch(c){case 0:read(y,&w,4);wh(y,w,0,4);write(y,&w,4);break;
case 1:read(y,&w,4);ao(z,w,0);for(S i=0;i<sizeof(g)/sizeof(g[0]);){G*z=&g[i++];
if(!z->b)continue;I gl=strlen(z->a)+1;wh(y,w,0,4+SN(gl)+4+4);write(y,&i,4);ws(y,
                z->a);write(y,&z->b,4);}break;}}void si(){c=0;}

I main(I _1,char**_2){I z=socket(AF_UNIX,SOCK_STREAM,0);struct sockaddr_un y={.
sun_family=AF_UNIX};char *x=getenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR");if(!x)x="/tmp";do{sprintf(
 y.sun_path,"%s/wayland-%d",x,c++);}while(access(y.sun_path,F_OK)==0);bind(z, (
struct sockaddr *)&y,sizeof(y));listen(z,3);for(S i=0;i<sizeof(fds);++i){fds[i].
si);memset(&f,0,sizeof(f));while(poll(fds,b,-1)!=-1&&c){if(fds[0].revents){I u=
accept(z,0,0);fds[b++].fd=u;}for(I i=1;i<b;++i){if(fds[i].revents&POLLHUP){
else if(!fds[i].revents){continue;}I u=i-1;I t=fds[i].fd;u32 s,r;char q[
CMSG_SPACE(8)];struct cmsghdr *p;struct iovec n={.iov_base=&s,.iov_len=4};struct
msghdr m={0};m.msg_iov=&n;m.msg_iovlen=1;m.msg_control=q;m.msg_controllen=sizeof
(q);recvmsg(t,&m,0);p=CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&m);if(p){d=*(I *)CMSG_DATA(p);}read(t,&r,4)
;u16 o=((r>>16)&0xFFFF)-8,c=r&0xFFFF;if(s==1){gi(u,t,s,c);}else{for(S j=0;j<128;

You’re welcome!

Articles from blogs I read Generated by openring

Debanking (and Debunking?)

Crypto advocates kicked off a recent, somewhat politicized, discussion of debanking. Strap in for scintillating banking compliance trivia.

via Bits about Money December 9, 2024

Conjuring a Linux distribution out of thin air

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Threads Won't Take You South of Market

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